
The God of Gambler - 玩命赌博法

I hate gamble, as I have a losing father that left me nothing but a bunch of debts. He is a great man until he indulged in this evil habit.

I love my father like everyone does, if I could have done better to improve my parents lifestyle, I would. Doesn’t matter I need to take may be another couple of years. I admire my mother so much and I promise myself I won’t do anything to hurt her feelings. My mother is the toughest women I have ever seen in the world, for what she has done and her sacrifices towards the family.

Gambling brought nothing but rupture to family relationship. I can still remember way back in secondary school, brother, sisters and I had to hide in the house upon returning from school. We hardly had outdoor activities. Father had left home without a word, and mother had to face all the debtors day by day. We heard life threatening words and foul languages from the money lenders everyday. There was nothing we can do besides helplessly accompany our heart broken mother in bewilderment. That was the darkest era in my life, I believe nothing would be worst than that.

I am glad I had the opportunity to study and graduate oversea, and consequently had a chance to step in casino for the very first time in my life. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I went there for supper, not to gamble. I admit I did spend few ten pounds on the gambling table just to experience the excitement and try to find a way to beat the game. Like others, I lose it all, and then I stop.

Quite a few friends knew I was good in math, so they did design a rather complicated matrix supported with tanglesome theory to ask my opinion. They were willing to pay me if I could come out with a “sure win” strategy. You don’t need complicated matrix to calculate the odds against winning, simple math will do, trust me. Forget what people say about some professional gamblers whose gamble for living, that simply the biggest myth in the world of gambler. Professional gambler only play with each other on a fair and square table, they play against each other, not the casino. They are playing pure psychology game instead of pure probability game like we play in the casino.

Some say you could beat black jack if you have super memory. That is not 100% true. The modern casinos even take that into calculation. Normally the house will shuffle 5 decks of cards before starts. As the game go along the way, when the playing cards getting less, maybe 40% of the total cards depending on the calculation, the house will put in another 5 decks of cards. This action will eliminate the chance of the clients to predict the remaining cards and hence increase the odd of winning. Yes, if you do have very good memory, it helps to increase the odd against winning, but based on mathematical calculation, the chances still favor to the house.

Roulette is another interesting game. If you go and search on internet, there are hundreds of thousands methods to beat the game. None of it works, either mathematically or mechanically. Greatest man ever exist on the planet, Albert Einstein once said: you cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it. If you don’t believe it, feel free to send me an email and tell me your method, I will show you where did you missed. It is too tedious to show it here because it involves too many varieties.

Slot machine? Are you kidding me? You know how to count the odd, right?

In short, you can never beat the game in the long run, unless you have super luck.

Gamble is defined as a risk undertaken with a potential to gain. I define gamble as a risk undertaken to gain with potential luck. I don’t trust luck, I just don’t. Anything require only good luck to gain, worst still the odds against winner is less than 50%, I consider it as gamble. Let depreciate the definition of gamble, in reality, we gamble everyday. It is rather hard to differentiate a risk taker with a gambler. I hate to gamble but I must admit that I am a risk taker.

I am quite happy with my risk taker personality because it earns me my life, until I fall in love with someone.

When we truly fall in love, we scarify our time and money; we create our own illusion; we changed our dressing, our tone, our character, our hobby and almost anything. We turn ourselves into someone we don’t know, and risk in everything we could possibly offer. It is the biggest game we ever encounter and we feel panic as we don’t know what we can do. Bit by bit, our soul being mutated as well as our mind and at the end of the day, we become our own illusion, a puppet of our own imagination. We have nothing left within, everything has been given out.

Winner takes all and loser loses all. Complicated game, simple rules. We all know the risk, yet we still fall for it.

Risking the rest of our life to love, and, become the god of gambler.


this is a good one, especially the last part :)
do we have to indulge in sadness of love in our whole life? When will we get what we ask in love? Or, we wont? there isnt love utopia is it? cos human beings are always a false and greedy creature....

btw, ur previous message reminds me of the new movie <21> for black jack :)


Here In My Home

相信最近大家都可以从不同管道听见这首歌。我听了这首歌,觉得很感动,也很有感触。 是因为动荡的政治局势吗?还是因为心里一直觉得这一片我们都深爱的土地没有真正承认华人成为“马来西亚人”的感触?又或者是西马人的心态还在下意识地将东马排除在外(到现在还是有西马人这样对我说:我们马来西亚人很少到沙巴砂拉越去,所以不知道沙巴砂拉越和马来西亚有什么不一样)? 当我们唱着这首歌时,意味着我们没有肤色之分,没有信仰之别,也没有区域的不一样。 我们,同样是马来西亚人。同样的深爱着我们的国家。 如果大家喜欢,可以到 这里 下载。


要换一台电脑?还是。。。 这个? 这个? 这个? 不然就这个? 或者这个也不错,:P 鱼与熊掌,所以,继续烦恼。。。


《唐朝》 李白酒罢笙歌谣 杜甫梦醒诗情操 感叹天地浩淼 盛世风骚 落幕萧萧 李世民鞍上夺标 武则天垂幕政朝 江山如此多娇 难得逍遥 还看今朝 礼义廉耻仁爱忠孝 品德的指标 唐朝 是中国人的骄傲 朝来夕往的浪潮 抹不去心的微笑 唐朝 是我们心的圈套 囚禁民族的天牢 海角天涯无法逃 用美酒和葡萄 默默哀悼 死去的诗歌和人道 想不到我即兴写的一首歌词,竟然引起了大家的不满,这首歌,虽然起名《唐朝》,说得却是中国人(华人)的思想和心态。本来是自娱的一首词,可能我用了一些奇怪的字眼,是人不是人,是鬼不是鬼(人海中的蚂蚁)引经据典,大肆批评我的无知,错用了唐朝的意义;manchys小姐也踏上一脚,先说已经过时,然后指责我胡乱塑造历史,还好大家还算客气,选用的句子都比较软性,让我有机会做出解释。 唐朝的历史,人海中的蚂蚁已经转载不少资料,这里不赘,而且也和我想表达的东西无关。小的不才,习过几年诗,依然写不出一首好诗,却拜过程所赐,阅过不下诗千首,其中的最爱,当然是韵律优美的唐诗。要真正理解唐诗,必须了解诗人们的背景,当时社会的制度,诗人的经历等等。有许多现在看来平平无奇的是好诗,倘若知悉诗人创作诗的原因以及它的背景意义,顿时变成富有深沉的艺术感染力,李白的《静夜思》乃其中一例。唐诗的浪漫色彩比较浓厚,但诗风因人而异,李白豪迈,杜甫悲情,白居易儒雅,李商隐缠绵,王维朴实,孟浩然坦荡,各具特色,百花齐放。我对唐朝的知识,是从读唐诗慢慢累积而成,所以写这首歌词时,没有翻阅书本,直接从脑海捕捉对唐朝的记忆,书写成章。之所以这么做,原因很简单,我不是在写唐朝的繁华陨落。那些,我没有资格写。 选用四位唐朝人物的名字,李白、杜甫、李世民和武则天,并没有特别意思,那是我仅有的知识中觉得有代表性的其中几位(不然就不切题了),李白杜甫代表民;李世民武则天代表官。我也从百度百科转载一些资料: 『 李白 李白 (701年~762年),汉族,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙”。有“诗仙”之称,与杜甫并称“李杜”。身长七尺有余(约1.83米)。生于安西都护府碎叶城,幼年迁居四川绵州昌隆县(今四川省江油市,这种说法以郭沫若为代表)一说生于四川江油青莲乡。唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人。其诗风格豪放飘逸洒脱,想象丰富,语言流转自然,音律和谐多变。他善于从民歌、神话中汲取营养素材,构成其特有的瑰丽绚烂的色彩,是屈原以来积极...