Fade to Black Life it seems, will fade away Drifting further every day Getting lost within myself Nothing matters no one else I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this Can t be real Cannot stand this hell I feel Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now he 's gone No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now, I can't think, think why I should even try Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death Greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye 怎么样的态度,就有怎么样的人生。一个人的决定,是他的自由。 世界上一天有多少个人自杀,一年又有多少?数以十万百万计。一个年轻人为情轻身,为什么可以得到那么大的回响?因为他长得貌美?还是因为面子书的威力? 悲伤的感染力是如此强大,会让一个人失去理智,下一秒惊醒时,发现自己已经做出了无法挽回的事实。悲伤会变成怨恨,变成堕落,变成一种病态。悲伤,也可以变成一种自我激励的动力。悲伤需要一个出口,大多数的人都会将之变成仇恨,以报复的心态面对现实,转换成压抑的愤怒。有一些人,尝试改变世界来代替悲伤,有些人,坠入黑暗的深渊,以悲观的态度活在自己的世界。艺术家为自己的作品注入了自己的悲伤,也是一种发泄的管道,吊诡的...